It starts off with the team on a mission to recover a kidnapped CIA agent. At first I thought this was the entire plot, but thankfully I was wrong. After rescuing the kidnapped agent, the men go up against a religious supremacist trying to bring suicide bombers into the United States. It ends up being a decent enough plot for what it's worth from Kurt Johnstad (co-writer of "300"), but it's not Oscar material by any stretch of the imagination.
The entire time, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was watching the ultimate propaganda film or Navy recruiting video. There were a few badass POV shots that felt like the audience was right in the middle of the action but by the end I felt like I had been playing "Call of Duty" for two hours. In fact I probably could have gotten just as good of a story, if not better, from doing just that.

SPOILER: But I must say, "Act of Valor" concludes nicely with a memorial service and the reading of a letter from a deceased father to the son he never gets to meet. It pulls the heartstrings after nearly two hours of nonstop, adrenaline-pumping action.
Overall I'd say "Act of Valor" is just okay. The action is entertaining enough, and the SEALs do a good job of playing themselves. But it all seemed too much for me. If the directors had set down their Xbox controllers and focused more on the characters & plot, the film would have been much better for it. 2.5 of 4 stars.
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