Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Office - "A.A.R.M." (May 9, 2013)


I've been behind on my TV reviews, but I had to write about tonight's episode of The Office while it's still fresh in my mind.

This is the second to last episode of the series, so things are quickly drawing to a close for our folks at Dunder Mifflin.

In an hour-long special, Jim works with Dwight to orchestrate a series of tests that determine who will take the made-up position of "assistant-assistant to the regional manager". (Of course, Jim fixes things so that Dwight ends up giving himself the position.)
Andy spends the day in line waiting to audition for a singing competition in the vein of American Idol, where he connects with another enthusiastic hopeful from Cincinnati, Ohio.
After talking to Daryl about Jim refusing to go on a cushy, 3-month, sports marketing excursion, Pam starts to think that she may be holding Jim back and that he may not be satisfied with his decision to leave Athlead and return to Dunder Mifflin. Jim quickly quells Pam's doubt in classic Halpert fashion. (You just have to watch to understand.)
There's also a late-breaking twist that really doesn't come as any surprise regarding the father of Angela's son.

For anyone who decided to quit watching The Office after the departure of Steve Carell, I understand why you may have done so. But it's after episodes like tonight's that I know I made the right choice in sticking around.

At one point, I was in tears. Jim's way of expressing his feelings to Pam reminded me once again of the heart this show has displayed on its very best days. This, coupled with the faux-documentary about the entire office, brought back memories of several series's highlights from over the years. (Jim and Pam's first kiss, the basketball game, etc.) Being able to reminisce alongside the characters has been a special experience, and I couldn't be more excited about what's in store for next Thursday's two-hour series finale.

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